Friday, October 30, 2009

1st week - 2nd session Abs goal

I did the Firm Flat Abs video exercises again. Skipped the stability ball ones as I do not have one. They sure are harder to do after work. But I am determined to do this 3 times a week for 4 weeks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Firm Flat Abs Fast in 4 weeks

Its my day off, a Tuesday and I started a new work out video today. Its called "Firm Flat Abs Fast, See results in just 4 weeks!" It is a 45 min work out in 4 sections, based on yoga, pilates, standing and stability ball abdominal exercises.

I like that I can do one 10-12 minute section at a time, if time is at a limit. I also like that she, the instructor, Violet Zaki, explains HOW to get results in 4 weeks: do these excercises 3 times a week and you will see results in just 4 weeks.

Great! I have a goal.

She also suggested a fitness journal, so I thought I would go ahead and make a web log, aka a blog, to use as a journal. Shall I make a new blog? Wait! ... oh yeah, my Inner and Outer health blog here would make a great place to log my fitness goals and progress. (We will see if I really do take the time to log it, the important thing is to do the exercises). Right? .... riiiight.

I will tag these, fitness journal and .... hmmm some thing else, how about abs, and 4 week goal? I'll play with that. Then i can look up the lot of posts with those tags all together to see how they support each other, like a story, and hopefully and inspiring one. (wink to self)