Monday, January 27, 2020

Old Blogs and New Permaculture & Community Interests for 2020

Its 2020 wow! 

Been a Long Time since I blogged on Blogger...

So where did all the blogs go?

Are they still online?

Heres what happened to make me even think of these old blogs from the early 2000s...

I got 10 weird emails from Aweber to a subscriber named TEST2007 using my main email. (it was me testing Aweber email message for subscribers).

These repeated emails were from an old Fortune5Minute blog (an aweber blooper-error caused email sends as Blog broadcasts). Curious, I went to find my old F5M blog here on blogger/blogspot. I found only 2 here; Inner&OuterHealth with some fun videos I found on YouTube and the one about Skype tools.

However I knew I had more blogger blogs. So I did a search for Fotune5minute and my name. And  there were the rest of my blogs on this other profile here.

A List of my Blogspot Blogs other there. 

My blogs

What energy I had when I wrote instructions to Chat Moderators in my Skype Rooms!
Seems like another lifetime. I took a new direction offline and am helping good causes now with my online social skills now....

Permaculture and Community

I should write about my new REAL interests, Permaculture (Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share) and Intentional Community living and sharing resources and life together. Interested? Leave a comment.... I just might see it and get inspired.  Meantime, check out my new playlists on my YouTube channel here, I especially like Charles Eisenstien.  Ignore all the Skype playlists, they're all out of date now the MS took over and changed the OS on which Skype runs.

Interested? Leave a comment....