Sunday, November 1, 2009

Abs 3rd time this first week

Good for me!

Even though Sunday is our busiest day of the week, and today was a whopper at 274 guests to feed, I came home and did my Abs exercise tape.

I wonder how many times I can do this tape before I have to return it to the library ... oh dear thats 11/06 only 5 days. Perhaps I can renew it again.

At least this one I am using and inspired to set some goals. Tomorrow I have to return one tape (DVD) that I renewed and never used: "Embracing Menopause - A Path to Peace & Power. Yoga for the Young at Heart - accessible Yoga for Every Body" featuring Susan winter Ward. I think its on "My List", at the Library so I can try it again some later time.

Its amazing when I do these Abd excercises, how I do not remember it being so hard. I hope thats a good sign ... like maybe I am working harder cause I am stronger (???) ... maybe.

So OK, I made it 3 times this first week, now I just have to do it at least 3 times this next week. I hope I start tomorrow (Monday)... to get a good start. I noticed this time, at the end of the tape, where she says if you do this 3 times for 4 weeks you will see some definition, she actually said 3 times "or more". hmmmm.... we'll see. I'll keep it in mind. I don't want to over do and quit before I make any encouraging progress.