Saturday, June 27, 2009

welcome to a log of my progress

Today I had another urge to start a new blog about my experiences in my Life Long Journey to inner and outer health. Wait!

What is Inner and Outer Health?

Inner and outer health is spiritual, physical, emotional and whole being health. Usually I am much too busy living it... my dream life, to actually write about it. Still.... today I finally started this blog (web log) to have a place to write my notes and experiences along the "Way".

Today I cooked at Silence Heart Nest Vegetarian restaurant and was notably happy and expressive. No one seemed to notice that I was any different... but I most certainly did.

Have you ever had an experience of an altered state of consciousness, an elevated mood, after not getting enough sleep? Have you? I am curious if you know of what I am speaking.

Anyway, today I was like that. I was "high" on life.... yet I had had enough sleep and enough to eat. Perhaps it is because my birthday or Soul's Day as we call it, was just a few days ago. I was so happy today, when I went for my walk at Carkeek Park, and saw the vast Ocean cliff view up at Blue Ridge over the Puget Sound, felt the wind and the sun on my skin, smelled scents of a wood smoke and then fresh cut pine... heard wind chimes made of wood and metal which lead to my feeling old memories... I just cried for no reason. A happy cry.

How have I been feeling?

I am feeling light. I am feeling good. Is it cause of my birthday? Because my soul is to the fore? Or because I have been eating so little, and exercising more? Or all of those reasons? Or just having a good day... a good month... a good spring.... or Just God's Grace!

I am grateful... what ever the cause.

I love you God! Thank You for this Life and this wonderful experience and for starting this blog today in and through me.